Tuesday, December 28, 2010

maruti suzuki swift 2011 coming soon

Maruti suzuki has been showing intense interest in providing more mid-size cras compactible for indian roads. Suzuki swift has been an enchating example to show how maruti has grown in the last few years. After maruti  800, swift is the fastest selling car in India now. People are attracted by the style, comfort and low price tag.
 After a few years of Swift petrol coming into market, came the new swift diesel which chnaged the face of swifts market. It doubled the selling market of swift and now reached the peak.Now people are looing forward for a change. So suzuki has decieded to change the style of swift a little bit. And we can welcome the new maruti suzuki swift in 2011 witha bold new look.Here i would show you a preview of the Swift 2011 model.

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